Warning:This data storage unit, or "book, " has been designed to reprogram the human brain, allowing it to replicate the lost art that was once called reading. It is a simple adjustment and there will be no negative or harmful effects from this process. What you are doing: "Reading" ExplainedEach sheet is indelibly printed with information and the sheets are visually scanned from left to right, and from top to bottom. This scanned information is passed through the visual cortex directly into the brain, where it can then be accessed just like any other data. . Mike A. Lancaster
Some Similar Quotes
  1. A half-read book is a half-finished love affair. - David Mitchell

  2. If one wanted to depict the whole thing graphically, every episode, with its climax, would require a three-dimensional, or, rather, no model: every experience is unrepeatable. What makes lovemaking and reading resemble each other most is that within both of them times and spaces open,... - Italo Calvino

  3. We shouldn't teach great books we should teach a love of reading. Knowing the contents of a few works of literature is a trivial achievement. Being inclined to go on reading is a great achievement. - B.F. Skinner

  4. Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live. - Gustave Flaubert

  5. People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. - Logan Pearsall Smith

More Quotes By Mike A. Lancaster
  1. Without the friendship we'd never have discovered the reason we were friends.

  2. She was only saying what I already knew in my heart, but hearing the words spoken made it seem all the more true, all the more terrifying. Words gave concepts power. Once they were released, there was no choice but to understand them, no matter...

  3. Not if you like lies so much you want to live one

  4. Dreams so often become nightmares. Family can so easily become foes. And people are always more stupid than you give them credit for.

  5. Adults are just making things up as they go along. And when they’re scared, adults have no more answers than us kids

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